![]() Watch NOW on Amazon.com!!! This video will bring you along for an unguided float-fishing trip down one of Alaska’s finest fishing streams, the Goodnews River. The Goodnews River starts in the remote Ahklun Mountains of the Togiak Wilderness, where the nearest road that leads anywhere is 350 miles away! Join us on a float from the mountains to the sea. ![]() We weren’t the only ones fishing! See how this encounter turned out. Included is footage of a bear plunging into the river and emerging with a salmon. Also see a trio of bear cubs playing, some nice caribou bulls and bull moose footage.
The Goodnews flows through beautiful scenery through-out it’s length, and during this September float the fall colors were at their peak.
The Goodnews in September is home to the beautiful “Leopard Rainbows,” silver salmon, “Arctic Charr,” lake trout and grayling; all of which are caught on film.
“I’ll be doing the Goodnews in July so it was nice to have a “sneak peek” of the river. My friends and I enjoyed it immensely! You fellas caught some real beauties out there, and the wildlife and scenery looked fantastic!” John D., Hopedale, MA
I could tell you more, but pictures say a thousand words. The following series of thumbnails are screenshots from the video. |
Floated the Goodnews (’86 & ’91) for 2 weeks at a time with four of my obsessive-compulsive fly fishing friends. Although I’ve free floated over 800 miles of rivers in
AK the Goodnews remains my favorite. It probably had to do with the sense of aloneness and the purity of the wilderness in the top 50 miles. We caught 9 different species of fish on our first trip all on the same fly pattern. The river was amazing because of the mousing approach to big rainbows. We loved those surface explosions. We hit the middle two weeks of July and caught fabulous sea-run dolly varden in the lower river. Great fish to 10 pounds..Paid the price when we came out on a dead low tide the first time, but the next we hit the village in 30 minutes from the mouth on the turn of the tide. Hope you enjoyed as much as we did.
Hi Ken,
You are a lucky man to have floated the Goodnews River twice! I hope to get back there again soon.