Brooks Range Alaska
700 Miles Alone

Yellowstone River
Park to the Missouri

Noatak River
Alone Across Alaska

Mississippi River
Source to Sea
Thru-hiking, paddling, climbing, hunting, fishing, gear lists, tips, and more.
Brooks Range Alaska
700 Miles Alone
Yellowstone River
Park to the Missouri
Noatak River
Alone Across Alaska
Mississippi River
Source to Sea
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Hello. I paddled a canoe from Pittsburgh to New Orleans in the summer of 1973. Everything was sort of primitive back then. The wind in my face day after day caused me to do a lot of paddling at night. This was not a great idea due to the barge traffic. I had all sorts of wild adventures, including a guy trying to shove me off a cliff somewhere in Kentucky. Then he tried to shoot me. Bad aim. But the big problem was hurricanes in the lower Mississippi in September. To make time, I ended up ditching most of my equipment and sleeping in the rain. Used a kayak paddle, which I still have. My wife went with me part way. Still have her, too. Sterling Brown, Atlantic City, NJ
Hi Sterling,
That was quite an adventure. I agree that paddling at night on rivers like this is a bad idea. That kayak paddle is quite a souvenir of your trip, I’m sure.
Enjoy your Thanksgiving!