Thru-hiking, paddling, climbing, hunting, fishing, gear lists, tips, and more.

Month: March 2016 (Page 1 of 3)

Jefferson City

It turned out to be a significant rain. When I got up they were saying it would be ending shortly. I enjoyed a couple cups of real coffee and 3 PBJ sandwiches, toasted. 

There was water standing in a field. It was very lucky timing that I was indoors, nice and dry. The rain had stopped completely by the time I started walking. 

On a prior hike I quoted an experienced hiker who mentioned that you’re going to have some aches and pains and discomforts in your feet and legs, but it’s just part of the game as long as those pains “move around”  without becoming chronic. So far, so good!

I started noticing more and more box elder trees today. And then, in late morning, I could see the Capitol on the skyline. 

I was taking a break at the turnoff to Jefferson City when Norman Miller of the Missouri River Paddlers told me Joe Wilson, a hero to the Paddlers, was interested in anything he could do for me. So I hiked a mile or two to the river.  When I arrived Joe beat me to the phone call and sent his buddy Kevin over to pick me up just a few minutes later. Kevin INSISTED on treating me to burgers and fries saying “this is from Joe.”  So thanks to Kevin, Joe, Norman and the Paddlers for the support! 


Joe Wilson's Serenity Point  (Noren  River Access)

Joe Wilson’s Serenity Point (Noren River Access)

My camp is next to the river in the trees, with a view of the Capitol building. 


June 2nd…I measured the Osage & Missouris at this place made ther width as follows, the Missoure 875 yd. wide The Osage R 397 yds. wide…I assended the hill…on the top is 2 graves, or mouns, a Delightfull prospect from this hill which Comds. both rivers. George Drewyer & John Shields who we had Sent with the horses by Land on the N Side joined us this evening much worsted, they being absent Seven Days depending on their gun, the greater part of the time rain, they were obliged to raft or Swim many Creeks, those men gave a flattering account of the country…our hunters kill Several Deer to day, Some Small licks on the S E of the Osage River.

Trip overview and map:


It was pleasantly mild when I woke up. I started packing early and since I was ready to go before real daylight, I took a good look around with my little LED for anything I might have left. I found a green sock and a moment later the tent stake I thought I’d never see again. All tent stakes, and most smaller items should be brightly colored, and all tent stakes should have a bright, contrasting loop on them. 
I’ve been passing lots of wineries, but it struck me I haven’t been seeing the vineyards. They must be on the flats on top of the cliffs. 
About noon I arrived at the tiny town of Mokane, passing the old timey stone jail. After the builder finished it he went on a drunk, and thus became the jail’s first occupant. 
The general store had 1/2 gallons of ice cream at a bargain, but I opted for a large fish sandwich, a bottle of chocolate milk and a box of crackers for the road. An old fisherman came over to show the storekeep the giant panfish he’d caught. The flood of ’93 flooded much of the town but not the store, only lapping at the steps. Apparently most local people have moved out of the flood plain. 
It rained while I was in the store but stopped before I headed back to the trail. A storm was looming though, and with 9 miles to go I was unlikely to make it to the next town before it hit. I made a plan to walk it with breaks every three miles. 
After the second break the storm was still looming. Then thunderstorm began to rumble and flash and I could smell the rain coming, then see it coming across the fields. I grabbed my raincoat, put it on and hustled for town just a few hundred yards away getting pounded by rain. I was looking for the Turner Katy Trail Shelter. Seeing no mention of it at the trailhead I walked, head down, into the tiny town. 
There it is! A young black guy was sitting in a pickup. He rolled down his window. 

“Are you staying at the shelter?”


“The key is hidden over there.” He pointed. 


“Sure thing.”
I walked in dripping. It’s a large, two story building. I’m the only one here. I got a nice, hot shower then washed all my hiking clothes with shampoo in the sink, wrung them out and hung it to dry. 


Turner Katy Trail Shelter

Turner Katy Trail Shelter

Last I saw it was still raining hard. My first night under a roof. I’m lucky!

Sunday May 27th as we were Setting out this morning two Canoos loaded with Bever elk Deer Skins & Buffalow Robes, from the Mahars [Omaha] nation, they inform that they left that place 2 months…

Clark, May 29

had the Perogues loaded and all perpared to Set out at 4 oClock after finishing the observations & all things necessary found that one of the hunters had not returned, we deturmined to proceed on & leave one perogue to wate for him, accordingly at half past four we Set out and came on 4 miles & camped on the Lbd Side above a Small Creek Called Deer Creek, Soon after we came too we heard Several guns fire down the river, we answered them by a Discharge of a Swivile on the Bow


May 31st Thursday 1804 rained the greater part of last night, the wind from the West raised and blew with great force untile 5 oClock p.m.which obliged us to lay by a Cajaux of Bear Skins and pelteries came down from the Grand Osarge, one french man one Indian, and a Squar, they had letters from the man Mr. Choteau Sent to that part of the Osarge Nation Settled on Arkansa River mentioning that his letter was Commited to the flaims, the Inds. not believeing that the Americans had possession of the Countrey they disregarded St Louis & their Supplies &c.—Several rats of Considerable Size was Cought in the woods to day—Capt Lewis went out to the woods & found many curious Plants & Srubs, one Deer killed this evening

Detachment Orders

My camp was very comfortable but I was still buzzing with all the sugar and chocolate from my half-gallon of Rocky Road ice cream. It took me a while to fall asleep. There was a loud noise not far from my tent shortly before nightfall. I knew beyond a reasonable doubt it was the sound of a wild turkey landing, and regardless, I’ve heard enough mysterious animal noises to know it wasn’t going to be a problem. 

The Canadian geese from the nearby river were talking up a storm off and on during the night. It was amazing how loud and talkative they could be. 

The next day I walked in the morning quiet listening to the birds. Cardinals are nearly ubiquitous here it seems. I didn’t see another human being until 10 AM. 
There have been some magnificent oak trees growing along the Katy Trail and also recently I’ve been seeing some sycamore trees. They don’t grow in Minnesota or any other place that I’ve lived. For the first time on this walk I saw some sugar maples. It reminded me of maple sugaring season back in Minnesota, going on right now, at least in a normal year. 

The first bald eagle made an appearance. There are lots of turkey vultures. It’s interesting how much they look like a turkey when they’re on the ground. 
I’m paying close attention to how my legs and feet are feeling to prevent overuse injuries early in the hike. Being super stiff every time I get up after a long break is easy to notice but it’s also harmless. Not a blister yet. Today I had a pain in my left shin but it seems to have dissipated. Shinsplints can be a problem under this kind of walking conditions. My feet definitely felt better at the end of the day than they have the last few days. 

There was a store maybe 300 yards off the trail. I walked over there and they had a deli. One offer was a 12 inch pizza and you had your choice of at least a dozen toppings. They made it clear you’re welcome to have them all if you want. Needless to say I got all of them. Other than an all-you-can-eat buffet that pizza was a dream come true for a long distance hiker or paddler. I heard a lady standing next to me saying that the ultimate food was fried bologna and Miracle Whip, and I’m sure that would taste great at times, but today I was happy with the pizza. And to go: granola bars, chow mein noodles, pretzels, and a pound of strawberries. 


May the 26th Sattarday 1804. Set out at 7 oClock after a heavy Shour of rain (George Drewyer & John Shields, Sent by Land with the two horses with directions to proceed on one day & hunt the next)

Lewis and Clark Detatchment Orders

Lewis and Clark Detatchment Orders

Lewis, May 26, 1804

[Lewis and Clark Detatchment Orders] …The Sergt. at the helm, shall steer the boat, and see that the baggage on the quarterdeck is properly arranged and stowed away in the most advantageous manner; to see that no cooking utensels or loos lumber of any kind is left on the deck to obstruct the passage between the burths—he will also attend to the compas when necessary. The Sergt at the center will command the guard, manage the sails, see that the men at the oars do their duty; that they come on board at a proper season in the morning, and that the boat gets under way in due time; he will keep a good lookout for the mouths of all rivers, creeks, Islands and other remarkable places and shall immediately report the same to the commanding officers; he will attend to the issues of sperituous liquors; he shall regulate the halting of the batteaux…he will (acompanied by two his guard) reconnoiter the forrest arround the place of landing to the distance of at least one hundred paces. when we come too for the purpose of encamping at night, the Sergt. of the guard shall post two centinels immediately on our landing; one of whom shal be posted near the boat, and the other at a convenient distance in rear of the encampment; at night the Sergt. must be always present with his guard, and he is positively forbidden to suffer any man of his guard to absent himself on any pretext whatever; he will at each relief through the night, accompanyed by the two men last off their posts, reconnoiter in every direction around the camp to the distance of at least one hundred and fifty paces, and also examine the situation of the boat and perogues, and see that they ly safe and free from the bank It shall be the duty of the sergt. at the bow, to keep a good look out for all danger which may approach, either of the enimy, or obstructions which may present themselves to passage of the boat…he will also report to the commanding officers through the Sergt. at the center all perogues boats canoes or other craft which he may discover in the river, and all hunting camps or parties of Indians in view of which we may pass. he will at all times be provided with a seting pole and assist the bowsman in poling and managing the bow of the boat...

Meriwether Lewis Capt. 

Wm. Clark Cpt.

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