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Fort Peck Marina Portage 

June 26, Day 95

I ate a fine breakfast and packed up for the 4 1/2 mile portage to the Fort Peck Marina. It had been a great stay at the old Hotel and a good rest from the hard paddling. I was glad to be off the water during these windy days. 

The portage was a piece of cake on the paved roads, with the cart. These Montanans approved of this kind of mission judging by the friendliness, lots of waves and thumbs up. Two or three people stopped to ask if I wanted a hand. 

Along the way there was a boat inspection station where they checked for invasive species. It was run by two friendly young people, interested in my adventure. 

The Marina had my food packages that my mother had shipped. They were sitting by the door ready to go. Thank you Mom and Fort Peck Marina!  Well done. 

I bought a case of bottled water, not for the water but because I needed the bottles to replace my leaking water jugs. The Marina let me camp anywhere I wanted for $5. I ate a couple of last hot meals from the bar menu before heading out to the wilds. 


A rainstorm swept through this evening, leaving a rainbow behind. 

Only moderate side winds are predicted for tomorrow so I hope to put in some good miles. This is the last giant reservoir and with luck I will paddle much of it in the next three or four days. 

Trip overview and route map with position updates:

1 Comment

  1. Rlundo

    Hey Buck!! Today’s July 1st and your last blog was on June 26th. I kinda expected another one by now. Maybe you’re having connection problems or some such thing. You are getting close to where I went to high school…..good ol’ Great Falls. You are planning a portage around there just like L&C did as I recall. It’s gonna be interesting to hear how that goes.

    Looking forward to your next installment. Keep us informed.

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