That was today’s weather report. It was pouring rain outside and the wind was slamming rain into the window. At breakfast I checked other weather websites. It is really easy to think of excuses to take days off, but I’ve only had one full day off in over a month. This would be a good day for another.
With most of my chores done yesterday evening, I dedicated the day to goofing off, eating, channel surfing and researching the route ahead, including my route to visit the Sergeant Floyd monument tomorrow, and a place to camp later, without having to over 25 miles or so.
I also went on Facebook to the Missouri River Paddlers group to ask about the best route through the braided River above Lewis and Clark Lake, likely the most confusing part of the river. Several people were kind enough to respond.
The storm let up this afternoon, but it’s raining and thundering again this evening. I’m planning an early start tomorrow. Colter
9th Augt Thursday 1804…Musquetors worse this evening than ever I have Seen them. Clark
August 11th Satturday 1804 about day this morning a hard wind from the N. W. followed by rain, we landed at the foot of the hill on which Black Bird The late King of the mahar who Died 4 years ago & 400 of his nation with the Small pox was buried (1) and went up and fixed a white flag bound with Blue white & read on the Grave which was about 12 foot Base & circueller, on the top of a Penical about 300 foot above the water of the river, from the top of this hill may be Seen the bends or meanderings of the river for 60 or 70 miles round… Clark
Trip overview and route map with position updates:
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